About Calf Reduction

The calves are a very prominent part of the leg. They are one of the first parts of the leg to be noticed. If you feel like your calves are too big and bulky for their good, don’t worry— we’ve got just the solution for you. Calf reduction surgery can be performed on both men and women to remove excess fat and reduce the size of the calf. The surgery involves incisions made along both sides of each calf and the removal of excess fat from these areas.During your consultation, we will discuss your goals for surgery along with any health concerns that may affect your outcome.

What is Calf Reduction ? 

Calf reduction has a subordinate role in plastic surgery, particularly in com  parison with breast augmentation, breast reduction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), etc. However, there are many people (mostly women) who, due to their large calves, suffer psychological strain that is at least as intense as that of women who undergo breast augmentation because their breasts are too small, or women who decide on breast reduction surgery due to overly large breasts. This article should serve as information on the options available to you. In the end, whether you undergo calf reduction, and which method you decide on, depends on the subjective amount of psychological strain you are experiencing.


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Are you a good candidate?

You can find out how to understand if you are a good candidate to have calf reduction surgery. Many people around the world have hereditary big calves not matching their body proportions. This is like having big breasts or large arms due to genetics. This is another area can create psychological issues in social presence and aesthetic plastic surgery have solution. How you can understand if you have bigger calves than you need. If you think you have big calves unmatching your body proportion and having realistic expectations, there is no reason other than a health condition not to have this surgery. During physical consultation your surgeon will ask your medical history records and determine the reason of your big calves. Once your surgeon completes the physical examination, he will inform you about which technique is convenient to your case and give detailed information about all stages

Physical Consultation

What to expect from the surgery, what you will hear from your surgeon. International patients get all information online before coming to Istanbul and meet their surgeon. The information is shared once the patient photos with necessary information received by email. All arrangements are done in high efficiency for years once accurate medical history and photos received. Once you arrive to our clinic, your surgeon sits with you for at least 1 hour to have your accurate sizing of legs, calves and checks the planning of the surgery once again according to physical examination notes and discuss all options and their pros and cons with you. This is the cross-check of each step once again.

​Calf reduction can be achieved with different procedures, some are less invasive and easy to heal; some needs downtime and stops daily activities for a while therefore it is so important to get informed of the techniques, their consequences covering the outcomes, possible risks and aftercare period. It is advised to come to the clinic with a list of your questions. You may check Q&A section for general information and talk to your surgeon for your specific case.


As mentioned above, calf reduction can be performed using multiple techniques. While surgery guarantees the ultimate desired results, not all methods require you to go under the knife for an aggressive procedure.

To choose the most suitable technique, you should seek a professional opinion. Your expectations, current condition, and general health status are all determining factors. Read on to learn more about each and every technique and have a free consultation with our specialists to find out which is more appropriate for you.

Gastrocnemius Resection

If skin quality is good, then we only need to make a 5cm incision across the hollow of the knee and an additional incision, approx. 2,5cm long, running vertical from the original incision in the middle of the lower leg (see image). The gastrocnemius muscle can be mobilized without a problem using these two openings.

Botulinum toxin

We should also mention the Botox (Botulinum toxin A) calf reduction method. Botox is a neurotoxin which causes my paresis (slight muscular paralysis). Botulinum toxin is currently a standard treatment for mimetic wrinkles. It also has other uses, however – including calf reduction.

Selective Neurectomy

A selective neurectomy (denervation, nerve transection) is the separation of the nerve trunk which innervates the gastrocnemius muscle. If your calf consists mainly of fat then a calf liposuction will be the solution. After the neurectomy, the muscle atrophies, reducing the muscle’s volume. This procedure is a partial muscle reduction.

Radio frequency

Radio frequency calf reduction refers to obliteration of the muscle through several small skin punctures using electricity and heat. The procedure can be performed to varying degrees of intensity, but usually requires general anesthetic.


Calf surgery using Liposuction is an excellent treatment option in the event that the increase in size is caused by accumulation of fatty tissue.

Abstaining from exercise

Calf reduction can be achieved by abstaining from exerciseIf the calves are perceived as too large due to intense physical activity, the enlargement can be reduced by avoiding certain exercises and types of training. Exercises which build up calf muscle should be avoided, in particular standing on your toes with and without weights, climbing stairs, hiking, and sprinting.

What is calf reduction recovery like?

Recovery time periods for calf-reduction procedures vary by treatment.

  • Botox comes with no downtime.
  • Liposuction recovery time can be up to a week.
  • Muscle restationing surgery recovery takes up six weeks.

Expect to rest and avoid walking as you recover from liposuction or muscle resectioning. You might also need to wear elastic or compression socks to help aid healing and reduce swelling.