What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation — also known as augmentation mammoplasty — is surgery to increase breast size. It involves placing breast implants under breast tissue or chest muscles.For some women, breast augmentation is a way to feel more confident. For others, it’s part of rebuilding the breast for various conditions.

Why it’s done

Breast augmentation might help you:

  • Enhance your appearance if you think your breasts are small or that one is smaller than the other and this impacts how you dress or the type of bra needed to help with the asymmetry
  • Adjust for a reduction in the size of your breasts after pregnancy or significant weight loss
  • Correct uneven breasts after breast surgery for other conditions
  • Improve your self-confidence

Discuss your goals with your plastic surgeon so that you can be realistic about what breast augmentation can do for you.


If you want to undergo breast surgery, but haven’t decided where to do the procedure, read this section carefully. Here, we give you five reasons for picking up ‘Iran’ as your breast surgery destination.

1) Augmentation mammoplasty is among the top 5 cosmetic procedures in Iran

Iran has beaten other countries to rank among the top 10 countries in terms of the number of cosmetic procedures performed. Up to 200,000 cosmetic surgeries are performed in Iran annually. In the recent decade, breast enlargement surgery has also seen a significant rise in the country.

A study published in the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery states that breast augmentation is among the top 5 cosmetic procedures done in Iran. Accordingly, Iranian surgeons have earned deeper insights into this operation, and the procedure outcomes are satisfactory.

2) Iranian surgeons are board-certified and highly experienced

Considering the new wave of interest in cosmetic procedures, various countries are claiming that they offer effective plastic surgeries. The fact is that every doctor graduated from a medical university may claim this. But the efficiency is only found at the hands of experienced surgeons.

As a dramatic surge in the demand for beauty and cosmetic surgeries has swept through the country, Iranian surgeons have gained the necessary experience to perform this plastic surgery at its best.

Further to this, the majority of Iranian plastic surgeons are board-certified, being a member of the Iranian Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, or the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Therefore, knowledge and experience are the two main assets of Iranian plastic surgeons.

3) Iran is one of the cheapest countries for breast surgery

In Iran, you can get your surgery done with the least possible amount of money. The cost is considerably lower than in many other countries around the world. If you’re living in a place with a high cost of surgery, it would be reasonable to fly to Iran to get your boob job done at a cost 2-4 times lower than the cost you would have to pay in other places. (To see the exact prices, go to section ‘cost of breast augmentation in Iran’.)

4) Iran enjoys top-quality medical services

Regardless of what most people may think of Iran’s medical system, the reality of medical services in Iran would surprise you. Clean and super-organized clinics, hospitals and doctors’ offices equipped with high technology facilities would assure you of the right choice you made about your surgery destination.

5) Iran is a great tourist destination to travel to!

It’s not possible to see the exotic land of Persia and not fall in love with the history, myths, architecture, Islamic arabesque patterns, local people, and Persian dishes! This may seem like a bit of a stretch in the first place, but having a look at Iran’s tourist attractions and foreign travelers’ experience in the country would convince you easily.


For medical/cosmetic surgeries, money talks louder than any other factor anywhere in the whole world, except in Iran. With the low cost of breast implants, Iran is regarded as an ambitious competitor on the battlefield of attracting international patients from all over the world.

Breast augmentation surgery costs around $3000 or more in Iran (including doctor visit, clinic, anesthesia, post-op recovery, follow-up, etc.). This is while the cost of the same procedure would amount up to $10,000 in the UK, $12,000 in Australia, $7,000 in Canada, $4,000 in Thailand, $6,000 in the USA and $4,500 in Turkey. The low cost of surgery is not limited to breast augmentation. Breast lift surgery is another highly prevalent procedure that is performed in Iran at exceedingly low prices. Breast lift surgery can cost just as low as breast implants surgery. What’s more, the combination of surgeries (also known as breast augmentation/pexy) can cost between $3000 to $5000.

What are the different kinds of breast augmentation?

There are two main types of breast augmentation: breast implants and fat transfer augmentation. Within those two categories, there are multiple different options based on how you want your breasts to look and feel. Certain breast implants are only FDA-approved for certain ages. It’s important to fully research and know the pros and cons of each option and to talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon before opting for breast augmentation.

Breast implants are the most common type of breast augmentation. Breast implant options include:

  • Saline breast implants: These implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water). If the implant were to break inside your breast, your body will absorb the saline and naturally get rid of it.
  • Structured saline breast implants: These implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water) and have an inner structure that helps the implant feel more natural.
  • Silicone breast implants: These implants are made of silicone gel. If the implant were to break, the gel could stay within its shell or leak into your breast. If you get silicone implants, you may have to see your plastic surgeon regularly to make sure your implants are working properly.
  • Form-stable breast implants: These implants are often called gummy bear breast implants because they keep their shape even in the implant shell breaks. They are made of a thicker silicone gel and are firmer than traditional implants. Form-stable breast implants require a longer surgery incision in your skin.
  • Round breast implants: These implants usually make breasts look fuller. Since the implants are round all over, they don’t typically change the look of your breast if they rotate out of place.
  • Smooth breast implants: These implants feel the softest of all the different kinds of implants. Smooth breast implants usually make breast movement look more natural than other implants.
  • Textured breast implants: These implants create scar tissue to adhere to the implant, which makes them less likely to move around inside of your breast. Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), though rare, occurs most frequently in people who have breast implants with textured surfaces.

Fat transfer breast augmentation: In a fat transfer breast augmentation, your surgeon will use liposuction to take fat from another area of your body and then inject that fat into your breasts. This type of augmentation is usually for people who want a relatively small increase in their breast size. In most cases, your surgeon will take fat tissue from one of the following areas:

  • Your belly.
  • Your flanks (the sides and lower back of your abdomen).
  • Your back.
  • Your thighs

Why do people get breast augmentations?

There are many reasons you may want or choose to undergo breast augmentation surgery, including:

  • To change the appearance of your breasts if you think they are small.
  • To change the symmetry of your breasts if one is smaller than the other.
  • To account for a decrease in your breast size after pregnancy or significant weight loss.
  • To correct any unevenness or issues with your breasts after breast surgery for other conditions.
  • To improve your confidence and self-esteem.

Procedure Details

What happens at a consultation for breast augmentation?

Before you undergo breast augmentation, you’ll meet with your plastic surgeon. You should prepare for this consultation by thinking about what you want to change about your breasts. Remember, you’re not seeking perfection, but improvement. Also, be sure that you’re in good mental and physical health, overall, and that you have realistic expectations.

Your surgeon will ask you detailed questions about your medical history, including:

  • What medications you are taking.
  • What allergies you may have.
  • Your smoking history.
  • Prior surgeries.
  • Any previous issues you’ve had with your breasts, including lumps, previous mammograms and any family history of breast issues.

It may be helpful to ask your surgeon the following questions during your breast augmentation consultation:

  • Are you certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
  • How many years have you been a plastic surgeon?
  • How often do you perform breast augmentations?
  • Can I see some of the before-and-after pictures from the augmentation surgeries you’ve performed?
  • Should I get breast implants or have a fat transfer?
  • What are the pros and cons of the different types of breast implants?
  • Will I be able to breastfeed after breast augmentation?
  • What are the risks of my type of augmentation surgery?
  • What will happen if I’m not satisfied with the results of my augmentation?

How do I prepare for breast augmentation surgery?

In preparation for your breast augmentation surgery, your surgeon may have you:

  • Get a blood test.
  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid certain foods or beverages.
  • Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs, since they can increase bleeding.
  • Stop using recreational drugs.

It’s crucial to follow any instructions that your surgeon gives you before your surgery. Following their instructions will help the surgery go more smoothly and will help you heal properly.

You should arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and also have someone stay with you the first night at least. You will need to take at least three days off from work, so plan accordingly. If you have a labor-intensive job, you will likely need to take off at least three weeks of work.

Establishing a home recovery area

Before you undergo breast augmentation surgery, you should set up an area in your home for recovery. Make sure you have:

  • Pain medication prescribed by your surgeon and/or acetaminophen (Tylenol®).
  • Ointment or cream for incision sites (if recommended by your surgeon).
  • Clean gauze to cover the incision sites.
  • Plenty of loose, comfortable, button-down blouses or shirts.

What happens during breast augmentation surgery?

There are many steps involved in breast augmentation surgery. Here’s an explanation of the steps.


Your surgeon will perform the surgery while you are under general anesthesia (you’ll go to sleep) or through IV sedation. You and your surgeon will determine this together.

The incision

Breast augmentation can be performed in one of several ways. Your surgeon can perform the procedure:

  • Via the crease under your breast (known as the inframammary fold).
  • Along the edge of your areola (known as the periareolar incision).
  • Via your armpit (known as a transaxillary approach).

Your surgeon will discuss these possible methods with you before your surgery, and together you will determine which approach best suits your needs.

Implant insertion

There are two different ways for your surgeon to insert the implant: under your breast tissue and in front of your muscle or behind your breast muscle (pectoral muscle). The placement of the implants depends on a few factors, including the type of implant you choose and how much you’re increasing the size of your breasts. You can discuss the benefits of each method with your surgeon and make that decision together.

Closing the incision

After your surgeon places your implants, they will stitch the incision sites together to close them. Your surgeon may also use drainage tubes. You must follow your surgeon’s follow-up care instructions for the incision site. Your breasts will be covered with a gauze bandage and you may be sent home wearing a surgical bra.

What happens after breast augmentation?

Right after your breast augmentation surgery, a healthcare provider will take you to a room for observation while you wake up from the surgery. You’ll be able to leave the hospital once you’re stable enough. This usually takes around an hour.

Before you leave, your surgeon will give you specific instructions for your breast augmentation surgery recovery and schedule a follow-up appointment. Your surgeon will give you a prescription for medication to control pain, if necessary. If you have drainage tubes, your surgeon will tell you when to return to have those removed, as well as instructions as to when to remove the gauze bandages.

Your surgeon will probably remove your stitches in about one week. You should not do any heavy lifting for at least four weeks. If you are physically active in sports, it may take up to six weeks before you can return to those activities.

Risks / Benefits

What are the benefits of breast augmentation?

People typically undergo breast augmentation to change the appearance of their breasts. This may help increase confidence and self-esteem.

What are the possible complications and side effects of breast augmentation?

As with any surgery, there are side effects, and you do risk certain complications. Side effects of breast augmentation surgery can include:

  • Soreness and increased sensitivity in the nipple region.
  • Bruising.
  • Bleeding.
  • Swelling.

Immediate complications of breast augmentation surgery, though rare, can include:

  • Infection.
  • Wound healing issues.
  • Hematoma (blood collection in the surgical area).

Complications from breast augmentation surgery that might happen over time can include:

  • Formation of scar tissues: This is also known as capsule contracture.
  • Sagging of the implants: This can cause your breasts to droop.
  • Symmastia: Symmastia happens when your breast implants trend toward the middle of your chest and can give the appearance of one continuous breast.
  • Fluid around the implant: This is also known as seroma.
  • Implant rupture or deflation: Implants are not designed to be life-long. You might need another procedure later on.
  • Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL): This immune system cancer is very rare, but has happened in patients who have received breast implants that have rough or textured surfaces. Symptoms, such as changes in the size or shape of breasts, swelling, or lumps, may show up two to eight years after the implant surgery.

Other important considerations to take into account include:

  • Breast implants are not guaranteed to last your entire life. You may need surgery in the future to replace one or both implants.
  • Pregnancy, weight loss and menopause may affect the appearance of your augmented breasts.
  • Breast augmentation surgery could potentially affect your ability to breastfeed.
  • If you have breast augmentation you will need to perform regular examinations of your breasts to assess your health. You will also have to see your plastic surgeon regularly so they can evaluate the condition of your breast implants.

It’s very important to do your research before choosing a plastic surgeon. Only get a breast augmentation from a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Can breast implants affect cancer screenings?

Although all breast tissue is in front of the implant, breast implants can affect self-examinations. You’ll need to become familiar with examining your breast(s) with the implant in place.

Implants can also make it more difficult for a mammogram to detect the presence of cancer. However, as screening technology becomes more advanced, the issue of implants preventing the detection of cancer becomes less of an issue.

Currently, if you have breast implants, the American College of Radiology, the American Cancer Society, the American Society of Breast Imaging, and the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons recommend that you receive your breast examinations at a facility accredited by the American College of Radiology. Because they are capable of multiple, special views of the breasts, these facilities will be more equipped to make a proper evaluation than screening clinics, which often only screen using two basic views of the breast.

What is the difference between breast augmentation and breast implants?

Breast implants are a type of breast augmentation, which is a surgery that increases the size and shape of your breasts. The other type of breast augmentation is fat transfer breast augmentation.

What is the recovery time for breast augmentation?

Everyone heals differently, so recovery time for breast augmentation surgery can vary depending on the type of breast augmentation you had and your overall health. On average, full recovery takes about six to eight weeks.

When can I return to work or other activities after breast augmentation?

Your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions for your recovery plan and when you can return to physical activities. Be sure to follow them. Your surgeon will likely encourage you to slowly ease back into your normal daily routine and light exercise after the first week of your surgery. You should avoid intense or jarring physical activities such as running, horseback riding or heavy lifting until you’ve fully recovered. In most cases, surgeons recommend that people who have labor-intensive jobs should wait at least three weeks before returning to work.