What is IVM?

In vitro maturation (IVM) is when a woman’s eggs are collected and matured outside the body. This is done as part of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure.

A woman’s eggs (also called oocytes) are formed before she is born. These eggs stay in a resting state in her ovaries until puberty, when normal hormonal changes cause an egg to mature (ripen) and be released each month.

When a woman undergoes IVF, she usually takes medicine to cause more than 1 egg to mature at the same time. These eggs are collected before they are released from the ovary, and are then paced with sperm in the laboratory in hopes of fertilization. In some cases, some or all of the oocytes (eggs) that are collected are not mature and ready to be fertilized. In years past, these eggs were not able to be used for IVF. Advances in science have allowed embryologists to take these immature eggs and sometimes “ripen” them in vitro (in the laboratory). This is called IVM. The eggs may be frozen for later use (as immature eggs, mature eggs, or embryos after they have been combined with sperm and fertilized). Or, they may be matured, fertilized, and placed into a woman’s uterus in hopes of pregnancy.

Advantages of IVM

A great advantage of in vitro maturation is the minimization of using drugs, consequently, having less possible side effects, during treatment and later on. Since IVM applies little to no hormone to stimulate ovaries, it greatly eliminates the risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), a risk that candidates for IVF surgery may confront. Further advantage of IVM compared to other options such as IVF is harvesting multiple oocytes instead of one to increase the chance of having viable eggs for the success of an operation.

IVM Procedure

Once it becomes the right time for retrieval, with little to no ovarian stimulation and by using a hollow needle guided through the pelvic cavity, immature eggs are extracted. Ultrasound imaging is used to locate and remove the eggs. Collected immature eggs are then either stimulated with hormones or with Cumulin, with the intention of reaching maturity. This stage can take about 24 up to 48 hours. The processes for the IVM and IVF is quite similar once the eggs were retrieved and matured in the lab. The eggs and semen can be mixed in a container or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is used to manually fertilize the eggs. With ICSI, the semen is inoculated into the egg, using a microinjection device. Soon after the eggs were fertilized and began growing, one or more embryos is inserted into the female uterine until the signs of pregnancy are identified and success of the operation is displayed.

IVM and Use of Medication

While there is extremely low need to stimulating hormones, yet, a major concern in IVM is the preparation of the uterus for implantation in only a few days after retrieval and the time embryo is transferred. What is mainly advised to prepare uterus internal layer, consists of 2 to 4 mg daily of estradiol valerate from the oocyte retrieval. Intravaginal progesterone also may start up to 48 hours later at the time of microinjection or insemination.

IVM Common Risks and Side Effects

After the operation, if the doctor finds the cycle successful, the newly pregnant woman will start her post-treatment cares and medications. However, in some cases, the cycle is not successful, and the couple may need to undergo another cycle of IVM. This condition may be accompanied by a feeling of depression and disappointment in them. Generally, the rate of implantation decreases as women age, therefore, more embryos may be agreed to be implanted to increase the likelihood of success. In that case, like with any type of artificial reproductive option, if a greater number of embryos is transferred, it would increase chances of having multiple pregnancies. IVM process is relatively new. Whilst it is safer, simpler and cheaper, the success rate is half in each cycle compared to IVF. Because less medication is used, there is the possibility that fewer eggs be retrieval. There is also the possibility that all immature eggs will not be matured in the lab, resulting in a smaller number of viable eggs for IVF treatment. The treatment can be followed by inflammation of breasts, bloating, constipation and light muscle cramps as side effects.

IVM Cost in Iran

IVM has the viability of being cheaper than IVF as it is more likely that no fertility drugs are required. The fertility drugs used in IVF treatment can cost sometimes up to £2,000 in the UK, which contributes to the higher cost of IVF. On the other hand, the price of IVM treatment globally differs from country to country. The costs of treatment vary considerably from UK, USA or Asia. The present cost for an IVM cycle in the U.S may range somehow from $5,000 to $7,000.

Currently, among countries in Asia, Iranian clinics provide more quality and affordable infertility treatments. The cost of IVM operation in Iran is more affordable and it is less than a third of its price in neighboring countries in the region and even less than that compared with its fees in the UK or in the US, making Iran a desirable country for having IVM surgery.

If you are looking for an affordable and effective IVM treatment, contact us for more information, including a price quote. We will assist you to choose the best doctor and clinic and then we will make the necessary arrangements for you to travel and have your treatment.