What is a retinal detachment?

The retina is the inner layer at the back of your eye. The retina captures the light coming into your eye and sends this information to your brain.

Sometimes the retina can peel off (detach), usually because of a tear. This causes your vision to be blurred or a shadow to develop in your vision.

What is Retinal Detachment Surgery?

Detached retina surgery is an eye surgery that is performed to reattach the retina and regain the vision or prevent losing it. There are several approaches of retinal detachment surgery each one is different from the other. The surgeon will suggest the right one for you based on your condition, but you should know that the plans might change at any moment depending on your retina’s behavior during the procedure. The type of anesthesia that is used during retinal detachment surgery depends on many factors like the severity of the detachment and the type of the surgery. Retinal detachment surgery duration usually ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the same factors.

Retinal Detachment Surgery Types:

As said earlier, there are many types and techniques for retinal detachment surgery. The surgeon will decide if he/she should use one of them or a combination based on your condition. Sometimes, retinal detachment surgery can be an outpatient surgery.

Retinal detachment by injecting air or gas into the eye (Pneumatic Retinopexy): The surgeon will treat retinal detachment by injecting a gas bubble into the eyeball. The bubble will add pressure on the retina forcing it to the wall of your eye. The surgeon will also use a probe to freeze the area around your retina.

Scleral buckling: During this procedure, the surgeon will sew a piece of silicone band or rubber to the outer layer of the eye. This operation will reduce the traction of the retina making it easier for the surgeon to repair the holes and tears and remove the scar tissues. In certain cases when the detachment is severe, or when the patient suffers from multiple tears, the surgeon may choose to create a buckle around the whole eye like a belt.

Vitrectomy: In this procedure, the surgeon will remove the vitreous gel and some of the tissues. Afterwards, the surgeon will inject the eye with gas or silicone oil to make the retina flat. (if the oil is used, it will be removed surgically later).

Recovery Time

The healing time after retinal detachment surgery depends on several factors like the type of retinal detachment surgery performed and the overall health of the patient. On average, we can say that it takes 3 weeks to recover after pneumatic retinopexy, 2 weeks to a month after scleral buckling, and about a month to 6 weeks following vitrectomy.

Retinal detachment surgery recovery tips:

The retinal detachment surgery after-care is almost as important as the surgery itself. You need to follow a few rules to make sure you get the desirable results from the surgery. After the procedure, the surgeon will tell you what to expect. Your doctor may also tell you how to sleep after retinal detachment surgery because there might be a need for you to keep your head in a certain position. During the couple weeks after a retinal detachment surgery, try to avoid lifting heavy objects, exercising and jogging. Try to keep the shampoo away from your eye for the following month when bathing. Swimming after the retinal detachment surgery is prohibited for at least 12 weeks. It is important to avoid flying after the surgery until the eye heals completely. Flights can increase the eye pressure which can damage the eye.

After the surgery, you would have a blurry vision so you should not drive for a while. Of course, you can drive as soon as your vision gets better.

Detached retina surgery vision recovery: Even though you can go back to work after a few weeks, vision recovery after detached retina eye surgery takes several months. Keep in mind that you might have blurry vision after the surgery. Ask your doctor if you need sight tests for the glasses. The final results you will have after the surgery depends on the condition of your retinal detachment, and your sight condition before the detachment.

Why Iran?

When you want to have retinal detachment abroad, then Iran is your best choice. In Iran, you will find skillful surgeons with tons of experience, lower prices, and excellent medical services in the hospitals and medical centers. On top of all of that, you can enjoy the amazing nature and tourist attractions.

How much does retinal detachment surgery cost in Iran?

While Iran provides the best medical treatment in the region when it comes to retinal detachment surgery, the cost of retinal detachment surgery in Iran is very affordable. You can enjoy having the surgery done by one of the most prominent eye surgeons in Iran while paying only a sum that falls between $2,400 and $3,500. This is while the price of the same surgery is way higher than that in the Western countries.