What Is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a procedure to lighten the color of your teeth and remove stains. You can have it done at a dentist’s office, or do it yourself at home.

Tooth whitening is most often done using peroxide-based bleaching agents. At-home systems contain from 3% to 20% peroxide (carbamide or hydrogen peroxides). In-office systems contain from 15% to 43% peroxide.

Generally, the stronger the solution and the longer you keep it on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become. But the higher the percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution, the shorter it should stay on your teeth. Keeping it on longer will dehydrate teeth and increase tooth sensitivity.

There are pros and cons to each option, but before you try at-home tooth-bleaching kits, talk to your dentist. Not everyone will see good results. Bleaching will not whiten porcelain crowns or tooth-colored composite bondings.

Whitening vs. bleaching

The terms “whitening” and “bleaching” are sometimes used interchangeably, but they don’t always mean the same thing. Teeth whitening can be done with either bleaching or non-bleaching products. Bleaching is the type of whitening that involves using bleach containing peroxide. It cleans both deep and surface stains and can make teeth even whiter than their natural shade.

Tooth Discoloration

You have tooth discoloration when your teeth are stained or darkened. It might affect the whole tooth or look like lines or spots on the tooth’s surface. There are two basic types of tooth discoloration:

  • Intrinsic, or internal, discoloration happens inside the tooth. Things that can cause this type of discoloration include aging, tooth injuries, some health conditions, and certain medications.
  • Extrinsic, or external, discoloration happens when substances like foods, beverages, or tobacco stain the tooth’s surface. Poor oral hygiene can also cause it.

Who can do teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a form of dentistry and should only be carried out by a dentist or another regulated dental professional, such as a dental hygienist or dental therapist, on the prescription of a dentist.

Some beauty salons offer teeth whitening, but this is illegal if there’s no dental professional present, and it may put your oral health at risk.

You can also buy DIY home teeth whitening kits but these may also carry risks.

What happens during teeth whitening?

If you have your teeth whitened you’ll first need to make 2 to 3 visits to the dental surgery.

The dentist will take an impression of your teeth to make a mouthguard and tell you how to use it with a bleaching gel. Then, using your mouthguard at home, you regularly apply the gel for a specified period of time over a few weeks. Some whitening gels can be left on for up to 8 hours at a time, which can shorten the treatment period.

Laser whitening, also known as power whitening, is another type of teeth whitening system that a dentist can provide. A bleaching product is painted onto your teeth and then a light or laser is shone on them to activate the whitening. Laser whitening takes about an hour.

How is Teeth Whitening Performed?

The teeth whitening technique will take about an hour. To perform the procedure, the dentist uses a bleaching agent and a certain light energy that helps the  bleaching gel to penetrate the enamel and whiten the teeth from within. As the technique removes any stains that exist on the outside of the tooth (extrinsic discoloration) as well as those beneath the enamel, it offers considerably whiter results immediately after the procedure.

The bleaching agent can be either the hydrogen peroxide itself or carbamide peroxide which will be broken down to form hydrogen peroxide. The teeth whitening gel used by a professional dental hygienist contains 3% to 16% of hydrogen peroxide. This percentage is only allowed to be used by a professional. The take-home kits or teeth whitening trays contain less hydrogen peroxide and are often given to the patient to prolong teeth whiteness.

The dentist uses light to accelerate the bleaching process and increase the effectiveness of the whitening agent. There are different types of power or light that can be used during bleaching. One of the most recent light beams used for teeth whitening is Phillips Zoom light. This source of energy can sufficiently activate the whitening gel without damaging the soft tissue or resulting in tooth sensitivity. In Iran, zoom light is used by the majority of cosmetic dentists because of its effectiveness and minimal risk of tooth sensitivity after the process.

The effects of teeth whitening are not permanent and can last anywhere from a few months to three years. The duration of the effects varies between individuals.

Teeth Whitening Methods

There are multiple methods that can be used to whiten teeth. The type of teeth whitening technique will be chosen based on the degree of discoloration, your budget, age, and current dental condition. This is why examining patients before the procedure is highly important. Here are some of the main approaches that a dentist can take to whiten your teeth:

Light-assisted teeth whitening: This is the most common type of teeth whitening. The dentist applies bleaching agent on your teeth and then emits a certain energy light to activate the substance.

In-chair teeth whitening: This technique is performed using high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide without applying light. The method is suitable for those with excessive tooth hypersensitivity. Dentists rarely perform the procedure as it will take more than two hours for the whitening agent to activate and remove the discoloration.

Internal teeth whitening: Patients who have undergone an endodontics procedure, often face tooth discoloration due to the absence of nerve inside the tooth. A tooth that has had a root canal tends to be darker and duller than the rest of your teeth. Also called a dead tooth, a root canal tooth cannot be whitened at the same rate that a healthy tooth can. To brighten the color of a dead tooth, dentists use internal bleaching technique. During this method, the bleaching agent is sealed off inside the tooth. It will be removed every few weeks until the desired whiteness is achieved.

Is it Safe to Performed Professional Teeth Whitening?

The potential side effects of teeth whitening might occur immediately after the procedure and will likely subside within 1 to 3 days. Tooth sensitivity and gum irritation are considered as the main side effects of teeth whitening.

Having the procedure in the fully equipped clinics of Iran can be a further reassurance that there will be minimal (if any) complications following the procedure.

Teeth Whitening Aftercare

Different individuals have different teeth and different dentists take different approaches when giving aftercare instructions to their patients. Some specialists suggest using the whitening kit every day for a week after the in-office procedure. Based on your case and your expectations, you may or may not be given an at-home bleaching tray. In the first 48 hours after the procedure, it is crucial to be mindful of what you eat. During this time, your teeth can stain quite quickly. If you want to maintain your teeth whiteness, you should avoid eating foods and beverages that could leave a stain on a white T-shirt. Some examples of such foods include:

Wine, Coffee or tea, Fruits (except for banana), Beets, Chocolate, Acidic foods.

After teeth whitening, your teeth could get relatively more sensitive than before. It is helpful to use special toothpaste that is made to reduce tooth sensitivity. To prevent discomfort in your teeth, you should also avoid foods that are too hot or too cold.

Teeth Whitening Cost in Iran

The cost of teeth whitening in Iran is about $500 on average. The price is lower than that of other countries without dentists’ compromising the quality of services. In other words, you can receive the same quality of care (if not better) found in the US at cheaper prices.

The affordable cost of teeth whitening in Iran entices many international patients. Many of our nose job patients who travel to Iran for rhinoplasty end up getting a Hollywood smile as well when they realize they can achieve excellent results at low cost.If you are considering teeth whitening but are unsure you can afford the expenses, you can contact SinoheMedTour to get a free quote plus consultation and select one of our Hollywood smile packages.