What is a Canthoplasty surgery?

Canthoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that reconstructs the eyelid. It’s sometimes referred to as “almond eye” surgery because it gives the eyes a more almond shape.

Canthoplasty procedures tighten saggy eyelids, creating a more open eye and enhancing vision. The most common reasons people request canthoplasty procedures are:

  • To change and adjust the shape of the eye
  • To look younger, as this procedure repairs drooping eyelids
  • To brighten the eyes

Canthoplasties may also relieve some medical issues. For example, if an eyelid is too lax, it may not close properly. This can damage the film of the eye or exposure keratopathy, a condition in which the cornea becomes damaged due to prolonged exposure to the environment.

Primary candidates for canthoplasties are people who have lower eyelid malpositioning. This refers to sagging, bagginess, or drooping of the lower eyelid. This can occur due to aging or due to a medical condition.

Aside from conditions like eyelid malpositioning and eyelid laxity, a few common conditions can make someone a good candidate for canthoplasty:

Ectropion. Ectropion is a condition in which the eyelid turns outward, leaving the inner eyelid exposed. It more commonly occurs in the lower eyelid. The most common cause of ectropion is muscle weakness due to aging, but it can also be caused by facial paralysis, eyelid growths, skin that has been scarred or damaged from surgery or trauma, and some genetic conditions such as Down syndrome.

Entropion. The opposite of ectropion, entropion is a condition in which the eyelid turns inward, causing your eyelashes and skin to rub up against the surface of your eye. Entropion has many of the same causes as ectropion, such as muscle weakness and scarring or damage. Other causes include inflammation, a developmental condition, and an eye infection called trachoma. Trachoma is a bacterial infection of the eye common in many of the globe’s poorest areas and can lead to blindness.

Paralytic lagophthalmos. Paralytic lagophthalmos is a condition in which the patient cannot close their eyes all the way due to facial paralysis. This facial paralysis is due to loss of function of the seventh cranial nerve. This loss of function can be due to many things, such as Bell’s Palsy, Moebius syndrome, tumors, trauma, and diseases including Lyme disease, leprosy, chicken pox, polio, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and more.

Why choose Iran for canthoplasty surgery?

Receiving thousands of plastic surgery patients every year, Iran boasts some of the most experienced and well-trained specialists. Their expertise stems from their extensive knowledge both in surgical techniques and in aesthetic approaches. What’s more, the reliable healthcare system coupled with affordable costs have made Iran an ideal hub for various cosmetic procedures.

Canthoplasty Procedure

Canthoplasties are performed by oculoplastic surgeons. Oculoplastic surgeons are ophthalmologists with a specialty in plastic surgery or reconstructive surgery of the area around the eyes, as well as the tear system.

Your surgeon will likely give you a list of guidelines to follow to ensure your surgery goes smoothly. They may tell you to:

  • Stop wearing contact lenses four weeks before surgery.
  • Don’t use any topical treatments on your face, including on the day before surgery.
  • Thoroughly wash the area around your eyes before surgery.
  • Ensure you have transportation home after the procedure.
  • Ensure you have someone to help you at home for a few hours after you return from surgery.

The procedure for a canthoplasty takes one to three hours. You will either be given local anesthesia or placed under general anesthesia. Once you are numb or anesthetized, the oculoplastic surgeon will make a small incision near your bottom eyelid. To tighten the eyelid, the oculoplastic surgeon will remove any excess skin, fat, and muscle.

Canthoplasty Recovery

Recovery from a canthoplasty is usually not too strenuous. To keep your surgery site healthy, keep the following post-op tips in mind:

  • Have someone at home to help you for at least the first 48 hours after your surgery.
  • Take prescribed medications as advised.
  • Report any medication side effects, like nausea or allergic reactions.
  • Increased pain, increased redness around the incision, and fever should be viewed as an emergency. Contact your doctor right away or go to the emergency room.
  • Attend a follow-up appointment, usually at the two-week mark, so a nurse can check your incision and answer any questions.
  • Avoid strenuous activities for at least six weeks after surgery.
  • Use SPF 30 or higher for the first six months after surgery, as your incisions will be sensitive to sunlight.

Canthoplasty Risks

No surgery is without risks. Your oculoplastic surgeon should make sure you understand all the potential risks and complications of canthoplasty before you have the surgery done.

Common risks associated with the canthoplasty procedure include:

  • Infection if the sutures are not properly cared for
  • Painful recovery
  • Bleeding in patients who have hemorrhagic conditions
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Dry eye
  • Ectropion
  • In some cases, recurrence of the droopy eyelid
  • Asymmetrical eyes
  • If the procedure is done while you’re young, the incision may need to be touched up as you age and your skin becomes less elastic.

Some complications of canthoplasty include:

  • Failure to correct the problem
  • Stitches falling out
  • Swelling around the stitches
  • Problems with tear duct function
  • Lid retraction
  • Diplopia (double vision)
  • Rarely, the patient may experience facial nerve palsy resulting in weakness or paralysis in the face

What happens during a Canthoplasty surgery? 

During your initial consultation, our surgeon will examine your eye shape and function and discuss what you wish to accomplish with your surgery. Our doctor will design the desired eye shape based on your eyes’ shape, proportion, and symmetry. Our surgery will be performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia and, if necessary, IV sedation. The procedure typically takes one to two hours. After the surgery, a temporary protective shield is placed over your eyes.